
Carolin Fuhrmanski – Dipl.-Ing. (FH), M.A. Innenarchitektur

Carolin Fuhrmanski. An enthusiastic woman, with a great love for interior design. She has a calm and reflective character and a clear and precise approach to work. Perfection is always her objective and ambition her guidepost. She always gives her best – even if it means a bone fracture.

As a student, she did not know what to do. Today, as a cinema designer, she has a penchant for unusual solutions. And: She sets her sights high. Building a tree house 4 meters in the air has been one of Carolin’s most exciting projects to date. The silliest thing she has experienced so far, is rather more basic: She broke her foot while assembling her kitchen.

Some of the misgivings she encounters in her profession really surprise her. So Carolin strikes back serenely composed and armed with creativity and initiative.

She prefers to work with people who have something to teach her. It is extremely important to her that everyone pulls together. One of the nicest compliments she has ever received for her work was: “Thank you, now everything fits perfectly!”

Carolin spends most of her time working and reading. She loves to browse through specialist literature and novels. She also enjoys using her creativity for beautiful sewing projects.

She loves Rome, its architecture and ambiance. When Carolin is not working, she enjoys going out and experiencing the rainfall that is life.

For Carolin, cinema means popcorn and a good action flic.

Favorite movie(s): Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Motto: It’s quite useful, if everybody thinks you are crazy. (Holly Golightly)
Loves: Her job