Intergastra 2018

The FOCUS HOTEL pavilion at INTERGASTRA has established itself as an event not to be missed by the decision-makers in the industry. Why? Because the concept behind it is unique: At this European event, the hotel world appears in its full scope. Players in the industry can also obtain information about current product ranges, product […]

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Arriving at this Architect’s heritage villa in the South of Pasing, a district in Munich, my first point of contact is her friendly dog, carrying a sneaker. While scanning the home for sources of light, the dog does not let me out of its sights. The stairway is adorned by a multi-colored chandelier – an optical contrast to the two, somber and severe oil portraits showing the previous owners. (

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Lichtwoche München

One of the highlights during the LICHTWOCHE Munich event series is the presentation of this newly reopened art house or repertory cinema followed by the movie matinee showing of “Icons of Light” (Lichtgestalten). This alluring cinema in Munich-Laim was completely remodeled by BATISWEILER CINEMA DESIGN (KINOPLANUNG BATISWEILER). (

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